
On 30 June 2022 the Counseling, Prevention of Sexual Violence and Bullying Agency (BKPKSP) was formed to implement policies, programs and activities in the field of counseling, prevention of sexual violence and bullying. This agency is a fusion of two FKUB units/bodies, namely the Counseling Agency (BK) and the Integrated Services Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying (ULTKSP). The merging of these units/agencies is a mandate from Pertor 21 of 2022 concerning the Organization and Working Procedures of the Faculty of Medicine to adjust the status of Universitas Brawijaya as a legal entity state university (PTN-BH).

The Counseling Board (BK) is the forerunner of the BKPKSP, which has existed since the Faculty of Medicine was founded and oversees academic advisory lecturers. Along with the complexity of the faculty with the addition and independence of new study programs, the role of the counseling body becomes bigger.

The Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying (ULTKSP) was established on September 1, 2021 through the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Brawiiaya University Number 297 of 2021 as an implementing regulation for the Chancellor’s Regulation of Universitas Brawijaya Number 70 of 2020.