Public Facilities


Facilities at FMUB such as laboratories and library collections support the implementation of the Tridarma. These resources can be seen in the availability of facilities, such as laboratories and library collections. The public facilities are:

  1. Universitas Brawijaya Accounting Management Information System (SIMAK UB).
  2. 32 laboratories with computers connected to the internet and LCDs for the educational process.
  3. Each classroom has a wireless internet connection.
  4. The Computer Base Test (CBT) room contains 574 personal computers (PCs) and TIK LAB Notebooks (344 PCs and 120 laptops). These computers are utilized to administer student competency assessments.
  5. There are 11 public computers located across the Faculty of Medicine.
  6. 60 access points are located in different spots at the main campus of FMUB and 26 spots at Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital.
  7. University Internet Connection of 1 Gigabit of 450 Mbps/day and 100 Mbps Broadband at main campus. Wlingi Campus supports 100Mbps + 8Mbps video conferencing. Tulungagung Campus supports 100Mbps + 8Mbps video conferencing, and RSSA supports 100Mbps + 8Mbps video conferencing.
  8. Faculty of Medicine of Universitas Brawijaya has subscribed to some e-journals Library UB
  9. GAPURA UB, the integrated service information system, facilitates access to information and services for all users of the Universitas Brawijaya Information System, including lecturers, education staff, and students. This portal provides access flexibility for the whole academic community of Universitas Brawijaya. To process service integration, the following applications are integrated in a continuous manner:
  • Information systems supporting academic administration include:
    • Student Administration Information System (SIAM)
    • Academic Administration Information System (SIAKAD)
  • Information systems to support financial administration include:
    • Financial Information System (SIMKEU)
    • Inventory and Procurement Information System (SIREKA)
  • Information systems for administration staff include:
    • Personnel Information System (SIMPEG)
    • Lecturer Administration Information System (SIADO)
  • Information system for student reporting (SIMPEL)

Supporting facilities

  1. The structure incorporates an electrical network that assures sufficient power for learning activities, so every room with diverse functions gets the electricity it needs.
  2. Additionally, FMUB has a generator with 500 kilowatts (VA) capacity to overcome blackouts and ensure that power outages do not hamper the educational process.
  3. There is also a clean water network that supplies all toilets and facilities on campus.
  4. Internal and external communication systems rely on telephone and fax lines and internet and intranet networks through computer facilities. Internet access is available to every lecturer, administrative staff, and FMUB students.

The maintenance of all facilities is centralized in a unit known as the General Sub-Department, and outsourced officers designated by partners perform building cleanliness maintenance equipment. If there is a need for facility repairs, the unit where the damage occurred may notify the General and Equipment Sub-Department, which will handle the situation quickly following applicable procedures.