The development of human character must be accompanied by the development of student ethics. Ethics as a guide in behaving and behaving which contains outlines of moral values ​​and norms that reflect a scientific, educative, creative, polite, and dignified campus community. The ethics are regulated in the university code of ethics and academic guidelines which contain rules on rights, obligations, violations, and sanctions for students as a form of implementing student ethics. Violation of these rules will be subject to sanctions. The ethical services provided aim to enable students to behave and behave in accordance with moral values ​​and norms that reflect a scientific, educative, creative, polite, and dignified campus community and to create superior quality human resources. In achieving this goal, the FKUB ethics team performs a series of tasks including:

  1. Socialization of the outlines of moral values ​​and norms that reflect a scientific, educative, creative, polite, and dignified campus community through new student orientation media through the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMABA) forum as well as through print media (posters and banners) );
  2. Carry out technical tasks and functions listed in standard operating procedures. In short, conducting investigations into alleged ethical violations, calling students and clarifying. If the allegation is proven, the student will be penalized according to the applicable rules.

The Ethics Committee of the Academic Civitas can receive reports of violations of the code of ethics committed by the academic community, one of which is a student. Reporting can be done through a study program which will be followed up by the Ethics Commission.
