Activities to develop student interests and talents must be supported by availability that facilitates services for the interests and talents themselves. Support for student affairs in the form of intensive coordination with student organizations and other managers such as departments, assisting in the implementation and providing direction for activities of interest and talent as academic support activities. This interest and talent activity is not only carried out by the student body, but also must be carried out by students through student organizations which in their implementation must be in accordance with the basics and principles of student activities.
Interest development activities for undergraduate students are specifically accommodated under the coordination of the Ministry of Creativity and Sports BEM and each Association. FKUB students also actively participate in interest and talent development competitions at national and international levels, the process of which is regulated in the SOP for Delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs BEM FKUB. The calculation of all student participation and awards in the talent interest development competition is carried out based on the SKK calculation guidelines and activity accountability reports. The accumulation of student SKK calculations is socialized through the eSKK online system which is accessed periodically through the page These field services include the following:
- Facilitating the submission and implementation of competitions and/or competitions in the fields of interest and talent at UB, regional, national, and international levels;
- Facilitate and organize competitions independently in the fields of interests and talents (extra curricular);
- Fostering and developing student institutions so that they become effective and efficient organizations;
- Prepare various academic reports in the fields of interests and talents.
In addition, in the FKUB environment, interest and talent activities are obtained in the form of forming clubs of interest in talent, which are engaged in the arts, sports. In sports, there are futsal, basketball, volleyball, and badminton clubs. In the arts, there are homeband clubs, choirs, traditional dances, and painting. This club mainly facilitates the development of soft skills based on talent interest, especially for undergraduate students. For undergraduate students, specialists and professional students, the development of areas of interest and talent is very open to coordination and collaboration with their respective departments and study programs.
Student achievement in the field of talent interest is facilitated by the university and FKUB by giving awards or rewards for those who succeed in achieving certain ranks in accordance with the provisions. Just like giving awards in the academic field, this award is not limited to undergraduate students (S1), but is given to all students at the postgraduate, doctoral and professional levels, in the hope that it will further stimulate students' enthusiasm and interest to be willing and enthusiastic. participate in talent interest competitions at regional, national and international levels.