Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya are required to have competence in order to compete in the world of work. These competencies are realized by increasing hard skills and soft skills. Soft skills development refers to the Simkatmawa DIKTI indicators, including national mental activities: leadership training, state defense, norm education, character building ethics and soft skills, anti-corruption, anti-drugs, anti-radicalism, anti-bullying, green campus, and social media. The faculty lowers these indicators in the BEM/LSO/BK and Study Program work programs that are planned at the beginning of the year. Soft skills improvement is needed so that students can have the skills to interact with others, lead and think critically. Soft skill improvement activities carried out can be in the form of routine activities that have been in the student activity program and can be incidental activities at the faculty level as well as majors and student organizations. These services include:

  1. Organizing various leadership trainings, both at the basic level starting from the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMABA) forum and at the advanced level at each LSO/BK;
  2. Facilitate and carry out student leadership training activities; sending student delegations to leadership training events such as LKMM in each student professional organization;
  3. Facilitate and carry out educational activities to defend the country / entrepreneurship / insight into the archipelago;
  4. Facilitate and implement educational activities on norms, ethics, character building and student soft skills; education or anti-corruption movement; education or movement against the abuse of Psychotropic Narcotics and other Addictive Substances (Drugs); anti-radicalism education or movement;
  5. Facilitate and implement campaign activities to prevent sexual violence and bullying; healthy campus campaign and/or green campus;
  6. Coordinate with student organizations in compiling reports on activities in the field of mental and spiritual development of students' nationalities.

