Based on data in 2021, Universitas Brawijaya is the first place as the university with the most student admissions in SNMPTN with 4,446 students. One of the faculties that have the most applicants was the Faculty of Medicine.Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (FMUB), which consists of 6 Departments and 33 Study Programs (PS), is the prominent faculty at Universitas Brawijaya (UB). Therefore, FKUB opens several alternatives for new student admissions to become part of the Leading and International Standard Medical and Health Education Institution. The FKUB new student admission system consists of:
Undergraduate Degree (S1)
Universities as education providers accept prospective students who have high academic achievements and are predicted to complete their studies at the university on time successfully. Students who have high achievements and consistently demonstrate their SMA/SMK/MA achievements deserve the opportunity to become prospective students through the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN). SNMPTN is carried out based on the results of tracking academic achievements using report cards and academic portfolios. For more information, prospective students can access the
he Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN) has shown various advantages and benefits through written examinations, both for the national interest, PTN, and participants. The SBMPTN uses the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) conducted by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) as the only institution that administers standardized higher education tests in Indonesia. More information about the SBMPTN, including stages, terms, fees, schedules, and other information, can be accessed on the
UB's Independent Selection is held independently by Universitas Brawijaya. Information on the 2021 UB Independent Selection can be accessed on the
Program Transfer Selection (SAP) is a type of selection to enter Universitas Brawijaya for prospective applicants who have taken the Diploma level education and will continue to a Bachelor program following their field of knowledge. The following is an undergraduate study program that opens the Program Transfer Selection. Information related to SAP can be accessed at
Selection of Professional Education Program
Professional Education is education taken after completing an undergraduate academic program to prepare students with the ability for special professions following the related academic field. The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya has several Professional Education Programs with competency standards to better master the scientific foundation and professional skills relevant to the field of knowledge obtained in the undergraduate program. Further information regarding the Professional Education Program can be accessed at:
Specialist Education Program
Selection for the Specialist Medical Education Study Program is held 2 times in an academic year carried out simultaneously for the regular program and the special envoy admissions program (PPUK). Further information regarding the Selection of Specialist Education Study Programs can be accessed a
Postgraduate program
UB's Postgraduate Program consists of Masters and Doctoral Programs for various fields of science, both exact and non-exact sciences. Selection for the UB Postgraduate Program is held 2 times in an academic year, for odd semesters and even semesters. Further information regarding the Selection of the Postgraduate Program can be accessed on the page Seleksi Masuk Pascasarjana – SELMA UB