Tidak semua informasi publik dapat disampaikan, karena termasuk dalam kategori informasi yang dikecualikan. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 41 Tahun 2020 Tentang Layanan Informasi Publik di Lingkungan Kemendikbud, ada bebarapa informasi yang tidak dapat diakses oleh Pemohon Informasi Publik sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, kepatutan, dan kepentingan umum, seperti:
- Information which, if disclosed or provided to the Applicant, may:
- Inhibit the process of law enforcement;
- interfere with the protection of intellectual property rights and protection from unfair business competition;
- endanger the defense and security of the country;
- reveal Indonesia's protected natural resources;
- harm national economic resilience;
- detrimental to the interests of foreign relations; and/or
- disclose the contents of authentic deeds of a personal nature, a person's final will or testament, and other personal information except with the consent of the person concerned and the disclosure is related to a person's position in public office.
- Nota dinas atau surat yang menurut sifatnya dirahasiakan;
- Data dan Informasi yang masih dalam proses pengolahan dan penyelesaian;
- Other information that must be kept confidential in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations; and/or
- Information that is determined later by the PPID of the Ministry in the respective organizational unit with the approval of the relevant PPID superior.
In addition to following the regulations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Brawijaya University also determines the List of Exempt Information based on the results of consequence testing.
The following is the List of Exempt Information by Brawijaya University:
- Informasi/data identitas pribadi dosen, tenaga kependidikan, mahasiswa peserta didik, mitra kerja sama, peneliti asing, dan alumni, terdiri atas:
- Location/address of residence, personal telephone number, personal identification number (such as NIK, KK number);
- Copy of identification attached to the person (e.g. copy of NIK, SIM, KTM, etc.).
- Income statement and Income Tax (pph21) collected
- Embargo on Student Final Project Repository
- CCTV recording data and image / photo taking in medical environments such as RSUB
- Medical record data
- Patient debt data to UB hospital
- Complaint/feedback description data entered into the UB-Care (Feedback Care) system of Universitas Brawijaya.
- Grade / size of personal UKT for each student (not UKT Grade in general)
- Data related to new student admissions that are in process (before the re-registration process is complete), which consists of:
- Number of New Students who re-register
- Number of new students who withdrew
- Informasi/data pribadi lulusan pada kuesioner Tracer Study
- Personal information/data on the Graduate User Satisfaction Survey questionnaire
- Information on the identity of victims or witnesses related to the handling of sexual violence such as:
- Identity of the victim or witness;
- Identity of parties directly related to the report
- Identity of the victim's family
- Information on the confidentiality of records and results of psychological examinations in the process of student counseling and psychotherapy.