Quality Assurance Organization



Duties of the Quality Assurance Department (GJM) of Faculty of Medicine (following Rector’s Regulation No. 21 of 2022, Article 47):

The duties of GJM are as follows:

  1. describe the quality standards of education into academic quality documents at the Faculty;
  2. monitor the implementation of academic quality assurance in the Faculty;
  3. evaluate academic quality assurance in the Faculty
  4. Implementation of preparation, provision of Faculty data for study accreditation programs
  5. submit reports on the implementation of academic quality assurance at the Faculty periodically to the Dean.


Personnel of the Quality Assurance Organization (following Rector’s Decree No. 546 of 2023) for the period 2023-2025:

Chairman (concurrently serving as Member): Dr. dr. Viera Wardhani, M.Kes.

Secretary (concurrently serving as Member): Miftahul Jannah, S.S.T., M.Keb.


  1. Internal Quality Assurance Unit:
    1. Dr. dr. Nina Handayani, Sp.M(K).
    2. dr. Reyhan Andika Firdausi, Sp.F.
  2. External Quality Assurance Unit:
    1. dr. Ahmad Dian Wahyudiono, Sp.THT-KL(K).
    2. Dr. dr. Kurnia Penta Seputra, Sp.U(K).


Internal Quality Assurance System Adhoc Team (based on the Dean’s Letter of Assignment No. 840/UN10.F08/KP/2023) period February – July 2023 :

  1. Internal Quality Assurance Section of GJM
  2. Dr. dr. Nanik Setijowati, M.Kes.
  3. Ningrum Paramita Sari, S.Keb.Bd., M. Biomed
  4. dr. R.A. Rose Khasana Dewi, Sp.PA
  5. Arsy Arundina, S.Farm., MMRS., Apt


External Quality Assurance System Adhoc Team (based on the Dean’s Letter of Assignment No. 840/UN10.F08/KP/2023) period February – July 2023 :

  1. External Quality Assurance Section of GJM
  2. Dr. dr. Debby Shintiya Dewi, Sp.M (K)
  3. dr. Istan Irmansyah Irsan, Sp.OT(K)
  4. Dr. Valentina Yurina, S.Si., M.Si.
  5. Fatmawati, S.ST., M.Keb.